Cecil Peoples has become notorious for poor judging decisions and bad refereeing, but it isn’t until you watch this highlight (lowlight?) video that you can get a full sense of just how horrifically under qualified he is to officiate MMA in any capacity.
The justification offered for Peoples’ continued tenure of a judging or refereeing position largely seems to consist of references to his previous work in the martial arts industry. Fellow referees such as Herb Dean, who you would expect to slate Peoples, say “He’s done a lot for the sport.” Maybe he has – is that a refereeing quality?
One day Peoples’ is very likely to get it wrong so badly that someone is going to get seriously hurt. And that won’t be good for the sport, it will be very, very bad for it. There are no grounds for Peoples to continue as an official in MMA – he has demonstrated incompetence on so many occasions that anybody who continues using his services should be careful they aren’t laying themselves open to a charge of negligence.
Thanks to Swedish site MMA Nytt for the video. The UFC is in Sweden next week for the Gustafsson/Mousasi fight. Peoples won’t be there, thank god